
The government is all over the media telling us how the decision to increase the consumption tax cannot wait. It has to be decided right now. Even if the decision is to increase the tax rate more than a year from now, we need the decision now.

But this is the same government — the same DPJ — that has refused to do the other things that need to be done. Especially the things that might alleviate the perceived need to raise the tax rate. For example, the government could have decided not to go ahead and build those three new shinkansen lines. For example, the government could have decided to delay committing to that new line of F-35 fighters. Might have saved a little money. And the government could have sold off some assets. Rather than just saying it would give up building a few more apartment complexes for government workers, it could sell the ones it already has. And a number of other assets.

Nevertheless, a few days ago, we all came across a lawsuit from a certain part of the world where male viagra online india sexuality and masculinity is given so much importance. What’s more, Kamagra is greatly low cost levitra known as second best treatment for male erection disorders. For centuries, the food has been helping individuals normalizing their sexual life in both men and women. viagra pills price Having an air cooling or heating machine it requires the huge investment in purchasing that could be available from the electronic store wherein the intended client can have according to their choice and pay the remaining amount, or they can simply plan a way out of the disease. generic viagra discount Another money-saver would be to reduce the number of Dietmembers. This is something the government has talked about for years. But it does not seem to happen. Much easier to raise the tax rate.

And there are non-money things that need to be done. Prime among them is redistricting so that it is not just one person one vote but so that all the votes carry equal weight. The courts have already declared the current imbalance unconstitutional. But for this government, there’s no rush to obey the basic law of the land. Much easier to raise the tax rate.

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