Nagatacho ijime

The massive bill for rebuilding the areas devastated by the earthquake/tsunami/TEPCO disaster has necessarily strained government finances. As a result, there is a very understandable cutting back on some other programs.

Unfortunately, this “other programs” does not include military spending or the slush funds to local municipalities that accept nuclear power plants in their backyards. Instead, it is things like child support that the DPJ campaigned on and the LDP-KMT (KMT=KoMeiTo) oppose. Why? Because the LDP-KMT coalition is making cutting these programs the price of their support for additional bond issues to finance reconstruction and the TEPCO clean-up. In effect, the LDP-KMT is saying, “we’ll only help you do the things we think should be done if you curtail some of your vote-getting programs.” In effect, the LDP-KMT coalition is holding the distressed areas hostage to political posturing.

Worse, the LDP-KMT are not just calling for the programs to be curtailed, they are demanding that the DPJ engage in public self-flagellation over this. Couple of instances discount bulk viagra will likely be in a position to become successfully helped by means of all-natural signifies alone. What are the effects of Long Looks capsules on viagra free shipping decreased height? Long Looks capsules are certainly the most effective herbal remedies for fixing the problem. It is an important ingredient of herbal preparations used for erectile dysfunction. commander cialis What are price of viagra tablet the Contraindications? The product cannot be taken down along with alcohol and smoking. They do not just want to win the policy fight, they want to humiliate the DPJ and all its spokesmen. Why? To destroy their credibility in preparation for the next election.

And even worse, the DPJ is going along with this travesty instead of fighting back. Rather than say it badly misjudged the financial situation the DPJ should say its policies were doable until the LDP-KMT’s nuclear power policies blew up. Rather than say they were wrong, the DPJ should say the situation changed dramatically on March 11 and they are just being mature, responsible leaders in having the courage to change their policy priorities in light of the new imperatives But the DPJ insists on trying to appease the schoolyard bully.

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