More from FB 1

Some of the comments that I have posted on Facebook. Does not include the comments I made in response to other people’s posts or the comments other people made in response to mine. This is just the things I posted as initial comments so far this year. Will try to synchronize more regularly from now on.

A general question: In commentary about hate speech (the ignorant rantings of Japanese who think Koreans, for example, have no business being in Japan), this is sometimes referred to as 人種差別 or racial discrimination. I understand the purpose, since this is an established term and all, but how can you/we say that when the lout and the target are the same race? Or is it generally accepted that typical Japanese and typical Koreans are separate races?

Very troubled by the government’s confiscating this guy’s passport just because he wants to go to Syria. Get him to sign a waiver if you want to, but he’s a news photographer who wants to go to where there’s news. And they apparently said they would arrest him if he did not turn in his passport — because there is some clause in the passport law that says the government can take your passport away” for your own good” — your own good as defined by the government as meaning “we don’t want to get involved in another hostage situation.” Maybe he should have said he wanted to go to Paris? Maybe we should now assume the government is responsible for every Japanese who dies overseas — because the government did not warn them and did not take their passports away. You want to go surfing off Australia? Can’t go. Too dangerous. Is this the government’s responsibility? Is this what the government wants?

If Abe is going to call for the most radical reforms (biggest upheaval?) since the postwar period, it would be a good idea to remember why those postwar reforms were enacted. There are things that need to be reformed, but there is no need to repeat previous mistakes.

Watching the news of the latest leak at Fukushima, I wondered why the only information seems to come from Tepco. METI and the Environmental Ministry don’t have anyone there? They trust Tepco to know what is going on and to report it accurately?

Watching the news about Nishikawa and all of the protests that the case is not closed just because he resigned, I am reminded: What ever happened on the Obuchi case? Another “she resigned, so it’s over”?

Since the law says companies getting tax moneys should not contribute to politicians, the politicians are saying they did not know the companies were on the no-go list. And this is their get-out-of-jail-free card. So why not assume the companies know and change the law to say that any company that does this will not get any tax moneys for the next ten years or so?
If not that, or even if that, what (other) changes would you suggest to the way politicians finance their lifestyles?

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渋谷1000のプログラムを聞きに行き、発言者の意見に賛同した。というより、発言者が私が思ったり言ったりしていることと同じことを違う言葉で仰った。 つまり、渋谷が高層ビルに汚染され他の街と同じになれば、ひとがわざわざ渋谷に行く必要がなくなり、渋谷が死ぬ。街はビルだけで出来るものではない。街は 人だ。個人店がなくなっているのは残念だ。等の発言だった。
私の事務所のある宮益坂ビルは築60年以上で、時々「悪いが雑居ビルになっている」と言われる。でも考えてみれば、それが魅力でもある。行けば面白いも のに出会う。想定外の遭遇で視野が広がる。大資本が建てる金太郎飴的なビルではなく、雑居ビルを増やすべきだ。いや、渋谷の未来を豊かにするには「雑居 街」にすべきだと思う。雑草のように勝手に発展するのは強い街である。その勢いを止めれば、折角の投資が無駄になる。大資本や事業者に分かるかが大変気に なる。


Reading the news, I suspect Abe’s famous “three arrows” were misnamed. They’re actually the three shafts.

Toyo Tire has a tremor-absorption product for use in earthquake-prone areas. But now, after it has been widely used, we hear that it does not meet the stated specifications. And people are talking about doing tests to see if that is a problem or not. But, my question, if below-spec product is not a problem, what is the point of the specs? Yes, I know specs often include leeway, but there is a reason for that. And if it is an excessive leeway, the specs need to be changed. I do not understand how we can say “the specs are required to ensure safety, but they don’t really matter.”

Speaking at the Defense Academy commencement ceremony today (March 22) PM Abe said, in part, 「戦後、わが国は、ひたすらに平和国家としての道を歩んできた。しかし、それは平和国家ということばを唱えるだけで実現したものではない。日米安全保障条 約の改定、国連PKOへの参加など、果敢に行動してきた先人たちの努力のたまものだ」Japan has been a nation of peace ever since the end of the war. But this was not done by just talking about peace. It owes much to the decisive efforts of earlier generations, such as revising the security treaty and taking part in UN PKO operations.
Interesting that he skips over Yoshida but takes the opportunity to put in a plug for gramps.

I am appalled at all of these uncontested elections — people getting elected by default because there are not enough candidate running to make it an election. Combine that with the low voter turn-out even when there is an election and you wonder: Rubber-stamp democracy?

Abe has said he generally endorses the gist of past apologies, so there is no need to include any of that language in the statement he plans to issue later this year. Asked if his leaving such wording out of the statement will not open the way to suspicions that he does not endorse them and might even be rejecting them, government spokesman Suga said that that is impossible. Having said it is impossible, this paves the way for the Abe government to feign surprise and shock when people voice such suspicions in the wake of his get-over-it statement later this year.

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