A quiet Japanese

Deputy Prime Minister Aso Taro recently spoke to a right-wing gathering, and part of his comments got him more media attention. In the part that got the attention, he said:


 Which I would translate as:

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“Japan today finds itself in an entirely different international climate from the one when the Constitution was adopted. It would be the height of folly to believe that simply clamoring for the Constitution to remain unchanged will bring peace. The whole point of amending the Constitution is to ensure Japan’s peace and stability. Amending the Constitution is simply a means to an end. And I would rather it were not done in a circus atmosphere. Rather, we should calmly look at our current situation and then effect the amendment with the backing of a public that is clear-eyed about this. Otherwise it could well turn out badly.
“Hitler came to power under the Weimar Constitution, one of the most progressive Constitutions in Europe at the time. Such things can happen even if you have a good Constitution.
“I do not want to discuss the Constitution in a raucous atmosphere. Likewise with Yasukuni, where I think people should pay homage there quietly. It is, I feel, odd that anyone would not want to pay his respects and express his gratitude to those who died for his country. We should go to Yasukuni without a lot of fanfare. And there is no real reason this should be just on August 15.
“What I am saying is, ‘let’s do this quietly, you know.’ The Weimar Constitution was changed by stealth before anyone really noticed. Why can’t we learn from that? I’m all for democracy, but I do not want to decide this amidst a lot of screaming and shouting.”

 To me, he seems to be saying, “Slight of hand is possible no matter what the Constitution says. Calm down, guys, get your act together, and let’s do this, already.” This deserves the attention it is getting. And retracting the statement is more slight of hand in that it lets him appeal to his base (interesting term, that) and still pretend he did not mean it.

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